Tuesday 18 February 2014

creative CV

A creative CV is different to a usual CV that you might use to get a job. it is quite similar in the fact that it documents previous things that you have done, but instead of documenting previous jobs it documents previous companies/ artists that you have worked for. It can also look more visually attractive than a normal CV as it is acceptable to personalise it with some of your creative work. The layout can also be different and un formatted compared to a traditional Cv

As i will need to create my own creative cv in the future, i have done some research into some creative cv's that i like and why i like them. I have also included a few bad creative cv's and my opinion on why i think they're bad.

The image above is a creative CV that i really like. I love how simplistic and neat it looks but at the same time it looks interesting. I really like how the artist has shown their different skills and the level of them in a pie chart format i think thats really clever. Another little detail that i think works really well is how the artist has shown the different locations that they have worked by using the little pin point logo from google maps. I also think that the timeline at the bottom is a really strong feature within this CV

I love the layout of the CV above everything is laid out and designed really nicely it all works really well together. I also like the simple monochrome colour scheme It fits in really well with the style and design of the drawings and fonts that are used within the CV.

The creative CV above is very different to the two previous ones but i love it so much. I think it is such a unique way of showing your design skills and delivering a business card in a chocolate bar format.I haven't seen anything like this before and it would definitely leave a lasting impression on any potential employer.

I don't like the CV above i think the layout is really poor and it looks hard to read with the angles of the text. I think if i received this CV i wouldn't want to read it it looks too complicates and it would take too much effort. 

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