Wednesday 8 October 2014

Halloween Party update

This week the party planning preparations have progressed massively as a lot of things have been sorted out and put into motion.

  • The posters have been designed and printed.
  • Tickets have been designed and are ready to be printed for next week when we start selling them. 
  • A rota has been made for ticket sales so everyone knows what days they will be selling tickets on.
  • A table has been confirmed for us to sit at in reception to sell the tickets
  • Skyy have confirmed that we can partner with them and do a deal on tickets.  
  • The venue manager has confirmed information about the venue, bar and bar staff. 
So far the party planning is looking pretty good and at the moment it seems like we will be able to host a great halloween party and have everything done in good time for everything to run smoothly. There are still a few things that need to be sorted for example music and decorations but they are in the process of planning. These two aspects are not things that needed to be planned as urgently as the others because these things happen on the night of the event not before.

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